12 de abr. de 2012

Shows cancelados: Pinkpop & Denver

Cancelado mais um show do Kasabian, agora pelo festival Pinkpop. Segundo informações por motivos 'privados'. O festival postou uma nota nas suas redes sociais e sites: "KASABIAN cancelled their performance at Pinkpop because of a private matter. Check the website for the updated line-up & stage times."

Logo depois foi anunciado outro show cancelado, o do dia 22 de Abril: Denver, Summit Music Hall, USA. Esse foi avisado pelo próprio Kasabian nas redes sociais!

"DENVER FANS: Confirmation on the gig cancellation.
Here is the statement: 
'Unfortunately Kasabian's Denver gig has been cancelled. Refunds available at point of purchase. The boys are very disappointed to have had to cancel their last gig on their tour of North America and are determined to play Denver when they return to the USA.' "

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